Looking for experienced WordPress & WooCommerce experts in Sussex?

We create beautifully handcrafted WordPress websites for small and medium businesses.

Call us today to discuss your project requirements

01342 776556

What people say

Why choose us for your WordPress or WooCommerce website?

High quality design

We place a high priority on the value of user experience. Your audience are real people. How do you want your website to make them feel about your brand?

Exceptional customer service

We prioritise our customer interactions which means you can get on with your business safe in the knowledge that we are doing our utmost for you.

Transparency and efficiency

As we are solely dedicated to building WordPress sites, we have streamlined processes that enable us to build websites very efficiently while maximising quality.

WordPress support

We love helping our customers and we’re well equipped to do just that. So when you call Magnify Creative, you’ll speak to someone who can solve your problem.

Looking for WordPress specialists in Sussex?

Call us today to discuss your project requirements

01342 776556

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